2024-25 SVC Co-ed House League Wait List (Stratford Volleyball Club)

2024-25 SVC Co-ed House League Wait List
Our registration list for the House League program is full. Please register on our wait list and as spots open up we will contact you.
This form has a limit of 90 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 90 submissions have been submitted. It is possible that not all submissions have been validated at this time, and more openings could become available. However, at this time no more submissions are permitted.

SVC "House League" program is the recreational division of the Stratford Volleyball Club. This division is for boys and girls ages 8 to 14 years.  Space is limited, so sign up early to avoid disappointment. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis and when the program is full registration will close.

House League will run for 10 Sundays.  It will begin on Sunday November 3, 2024 at 4:30 to 5:30pm at the Agriplex. House League ends February 2, 2025 (no program on Dec 15, Dec. 22, Dec 29 or Jan 5). Cost to play $150 which includes a t-shirt. Please complete the form below.

Registration fees to be sent by Interac e-transfers  to svcfees@gmail.com with the the athlete's name in the comment section.


Participant's Information

Fill out information below for participant being registered.

Parent/Guardian Information

Fill out information for parent/guardian of participant being registered.

Emergency Contact Information

Fill out emergency contact information for participant being registered.

Medical Comments

Fill out any medical conditions for participant being registered

Additional Information


Please read the release in full

I give my consent to SVC to photograph/video tape and then use, reproduce and publish said images of the above mentioned participant.I understand these images  may be used for a variety of purposes and may appear on the club website, in the local newspapers, on promotional materials or any other  media. I also understand that SVC will use the images exclusively for SVC related purposes and not for any commercial gain.  Since anyone can download an image from the Internet or make copies from printed  materials, I agree that SVC is not responsible for unauthorized use of  the images. I am aware that I am not entitled to any compensation for the use of the images.

Please read the waiver/release in full

I / We understand that the named participant (hereafter, the “Participant”) has made an application to be enrolled in an activity conducted at, sponsored by or involved in any way with Stratford Volleyball Club (hereafter referred to as “SVC”).  The undersigned participant and / or their parents or legal guardian acknowledge that:    
i. I / We understand that there are risks of personal injury associated with the participation in volleyball training programs, events, and activities, which can result in temporary or permanent disabilities and severe personal loss and economic damages.  
ii. I / We understand that SVC provides no pre-enrolment medical examination and takes no responsibility for monitoring and assessing the health and physical condition of the participant.    IN CONSIDERATION OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE PARTICIPANT’S APPLICATION / REGISTRATION TO ENROLL IN THE SVC PROGRAM, AND WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE ASSOCIATED RISK TO THE PARTICIPANT, I / WE AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING.    
iii. I / We consent to the participant enrolling in the SVC program, and participating in the events and activities which constitute the program.  
iv. I / We will instruct the participant to review and carefully follow all of the SVC guidelines, rules and procedures of safety and general deportment while on the SVC premises, whether or not the participant is engaged in training events or activities at the time.  
v. I / We accept and assume full responsibility for consulting with a doctor about the SVC programs and hereby warrant, represent, and state that the participant named below is in good physical condition and that the participant has no disability, impairment, or ailment that would prevent him/her from engaging in the SVC program or any of the events or activities or that would be detrimental to his/her health, safety, comfort or physical condition.  
vi. In the event of an emergency, I / We grant permission for medical treatment to be given at a local hospital or by trained personnel onsite.  
vii. I / We accept and assume all risk and responsibility for accidents, illness, injury, and/or damages which may result from the Participant traveling to or from or participating in any of the events or activities associated with the SVC program, and hereby waive, release and discharge SVC, its officers, directors, employees, and agents or anyone associated with SVC from any and all liability therefore   I / WE HAVE READ THE FOREGOING AND UNDERSTAND THAT ITS TERMS INCLUDE MY / OUR CONSENT AND MY / OUR AGREEMENT TO TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS, TO ASSUME CERTAIN RESPONSIBILITIES AND TO RELEASE SVC FROM CERTAIN LIABILITIES.  I / WE SIGN IT VOLUNTARILY WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE.
This form has a limit of 90 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 90 submissions have been submitted. It is possible that not all submissions have been validated at this time, and more openings could become available. However, at this time no more submissions are permitted.